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Leaving Alaska and Starting a New Life

Welcome to the Three Rivers Coffee Co blog. I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself, and give a little background on who I am, why am I here and opening a coffee shop, and why on Earth we named our shop THREE RIVERS COFFEE CO, though you will not find three rivers in Waxahachie, Tx.

I am Lorena. I have an awesome husband, Chris, who runs his own IT company here in Ellis County and throughout DFW. You guys, we have been married for over 11 years. That's not bad considering I have yet to hit 30 years old. We have 3 amazing children, ages 10, 7, and 3 years old.

And I am from the great state of Alaska. The Last Frontier. If you are like many Americans with access to TV shows, you have probably seen a few programs that are about the 49th state. And really, they are not that far off.

For example, I survived being chased by moose.

I have gone days without seeing daylight.

I have gone days without seeing darkness.

I've been dog mushing.

I swam in glacier water.

I've seen the Alaska State Troopers TV show crew.

I regularly plugged my car into my house to make sure it started the next morning, thanks to 40 below temperatures. (I've also forgotten to unplug my car from the house before driving off down the road, dragging the cord behind my car....)

That barely scratches the surface of the weirdness that is "living in Alaska".

Right outside my kitchen window in Kenai, Ak

Picture by Connie Downs

Homer, Alaska

I was born in Alaska, and coffee is HUGE there. It has to be in order for everyone to survive the long, dark winters. So needless to say, when my little family moved to Waxahachie, Tx, we were shocked at the limited coffee shop options. We then made it our mission to *eventually* open a coffee shop. It has taken years, and the whole process has tested my patience. But I know God has perfect timing, so here I am, trusting Him and doing what I can to prepare for the shop to open.

And for the name Three Rivers.... I can't deny that Alaska was a huge part of my life, and I wanted to choose a name that reflected that. And while there are more than 3 rivers in the state of Alaska, there are 3 main rivers where I grew up on the Kenai Peninsula - the Kenai River, Russian River, and Kasilof River.

Me, on the Kenai River

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2801 US HWY 77 Waxahachie, Tx 75165

Monday-Friday 6am-4pm

Sat-Sun. 7am-4pm


107 N. Main St. Suite A, Joshua, TX 76058
Wed-Fri. 7am-12pm

Sat. 9am-2pm
Sun-Tues. Closed

Private and Public events in the evenings.

Follow our Facebook page for evening hours.



213 TX-342 Suite 403, Red oak, TX 75154

Tues-Friday 7am-12pm

Saturday 8-12pm

Sun-Monday Closed


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